The Brainwashing of the German Nation by Udo Walendy
The Brainwashing of the German Nation by Udo Walendy
The author has been imprisoned on several occasions because he refuses to parrot the official historical lies of the modern-day thought police. In this short book Walendy describes the hidden truth of the "legal" origin of today's German laws, forced on a defeated people, now stripped of their history and their identity, brainwashed by their conquerors to make them more malleable citizens in the New World Order. The book details the Allied attempt to "legally" brainwash the German people after World War II up through the modern era and contains information on: The London Decree of August 8, 1945; Allied War Propaganda; A Document of Our Time-No Teaching for Teachers; German "Justice"; The Most Gigantic Manhunt in History; Operation "Paper Clip" and the Allied Fight Against Literature; An Appeal to the European Commission on Human Rights; Soviet "Discoveries" at Auschwitz; Free Speech in Modern Germany; and more.
Paperback, 62 pp