27 Billion Dollar Rip Off: The Power Broker by Eustace Mullins

27 Billion Dollar Rip Off: The Power Broker by Eustace Mullins


27 Billion Dollar Rip Off: The Power Broker by Eustace Mullins

"Few Americans would bother to read "The Power Broker", an 1174 page expose of a wheeler dealer named Robert Moses, who spent twenty-seven BILLION dollars of public money in a forty-four year orgy at the taxpayer's expense. The book was written by Robert A. Caro, a Newsday reporter, after seven years of painstaking investigation into Moses' career. Its subtitle is "Robert Moses and the Fall of New York", and the phrase Fall of New York is neither humorous nor exaggerated, as Caro proves in this book. So this 10-page pamphlet is a book report of the above book."

Staplebound booklet, 10 pp

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